Special Report: The End of the Trail – How Government Destroyed Free Markets for Family Ranchers


Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack’s inaction has led to the near-destruction of American family ranchers. Over 17,000 family ranches will disappear this year. Over 100,000 family ranchers have left the profession since 2009. It’s a tragedy as world-renowned American beef experiences record-high prices, grocery retailers seize increasing shares of beef dollars, meat packers manipulate the beef market and prices paid to ranchers, and the ranchers are denied the rewards resulting from raising the best cattle in the world. The problem is made worse because government refuses to enforce the antitrust and GIPSA laws enacted over one hundred years ago to protect consumers and ranchers. The ranchers’ trade associations have been commandeered by pharmaceutical companies, meat packers, and multi-national agricultural companies. Ultimately, America’s food security is at risk and the prices you pay will rise as government allows the end of free markets and family ranchers. This is a special report deserving your attention. The printed report is available in the show’s viewer.

Guests: Robert Taylor, Bill Bullard, Dudley Butler, Mike Callicrate
Learn more at: Organization for Competitive Markets

Music Featured:
“Hard Times” – Don Edwards

American History Minute:
Joshua Chamberlain

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2 thoughts on “Special Report: The End of the Trail – How Government Destroyed Free Markets for Family Ranchers”

  1. This is crony capitalism at its worst. It is one of the reasons the rich are getting richer while the not so rich have to pay for the rich’s economic crimes.

    One reaction to such abuses of the ruling elite included Marie Antoinette’s head.

    I would settle for orange being the new black for the judges and political elite that are corrupt enough for this to happen to the greatest country on earth. They have helped skew the income distribution in the economy and have allowed the worst criminals get paid for their crimes against the economy.

    Thank you, Tim Danahey, for exposing what is happening in the beef industry. I am sure that the same thing is happening in other industries in their own ways.

    Our federal judicial system has degraded itself to be mere panderers to the ruling elite of those who have the gold. Our nation is in serious trouble.

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