Local Food Efforts Undermined by Pretenders, Predators and Corrupt Cops

In today’s unhealthy, unfair and broken corporate controlled industrial food system, more and more people want to know where their food comes from and how it’s produced. The biggest food companies on the planet are well aware of this fact and the shift towards local. Farm to table and the new local food movement is being hijacked by Big Food. The world’s biggest food companies, including meat packers, processors and food distributors are carefully strategizing and planning on Read More …

USDA Stonewalling Cattlemen – OCM Files Complaint

November 11, 2014 For Immediate Release USDA Stonewalling Cattlemen – OCM Files Complaint Today, the Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) filed a complaint for injunctive relief, demanding the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Agriculture make a final determination and release all required records related to a 2013 FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request regarding Beef Checkoff audit reports. The action filed today follows an 18-month struggle to obtain the truth about an OIG Beef Read More …

Courage For the World Teaches Food Sustainability

Eating healthy foods from growers and ranchers using sustainable practices may seem like a daunting task but an organization called “Courage for the World” is making it easier. Using established networks, they are teaching people about food sources, the economic advantages to shoppers for buying locally even though it may cost slightly more, and the severe economic and environmental damage caused by multi-national corporate food factories and laboratories. Their message shows us how to go into a grocery Read More …

A Big Controversy is Brewing

October 8, 2014 For Immediate Release A Big Controversy is Brewing Secretary Vilsack has announced that he will take summary action to reform the Beef Checkoff. NCBA has dubbed the initiative “train wrecking the Checkoff”. Not surprising since the change may threaten their gravy train. The Checkoff represents more than 80% of their total revenue. The Checkoff program is a dismal failure which has been made into an NCBA slush fund. Until Vilsack’s proposal is more clearly defined, Read More …

36 Groups Urge Ag Secretary to Enforce Beef Checkoff Program’s Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest; Urge Other Reforms

Joint News Release For Immediate Release: Contact: Bill Bullard: (406-670-8157) Fred Stokes (601-527-2459) September 11, 2014 36 Groups Urge Ag Secretary to Enforce Beef Checkoff Program’s Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest; Urge Other Reforms Washington, DC – In the wake of this weekend’s announcement by the National Farmers Union (NFU) that it was withdrawing from the Beef Checkoff Enhancement Working Group (working group), 36 organizations sent a joint letter today to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack urging him to Read More …

Nunn Ranch – NM. Great Ranches of the West

“The Nunn sons became involved in the last of the “range wars” of the New Mexico Territory. There was virtually no law enforcement in the Territory in those days, so it was common for a gun to settle disputes. When the “good guys” won a battle, it was another step of bringing peace and security to an otherwise chaotic environment. The boys had constant friction with one particular gang of homesteaders who filled the Nunn’s well with rocks Read More …

Anderson Ranch – KS. Great Ranches of the West

“When I meet Matt, he shows me one of their new hay barns. The old one caught fire earlier this year. The school bus driver saw the fire and radioed for the fire department. But by the time Matt got there, he was only able to save a few pieces of equipment. The barn and hay were a total loss. Matt’s insurance for replacement of the way was at last year’s normal hay price. This year, however, a Read More …

Likely Land & Livestock – CA. Great Ranches of the West

“Together the Flournoys look to the future. They’re relentless in their well-organized, and hard-working farming and the cattle business, but they predict that some of the ranch’s future may be in its water. The Lazy F has springs and wells scattered across the property, and the corporation owns substantial water rights to the South Fork of the Pit River. At 4,000 feet in elevation, the growing season is only 100 days long, while down in Yolo County and Read More …