We are getting closer to the cliff all the time

“There’s nobody that works harder than Fred”, Mike Callicrate “We are getting closer to the cliff all the time and that seems to be a continuous process – that bothers me. I almost feel guilty because I feel that I lived in America’s heyday. I hate to say that. I wish I could stand here with a straight face and tell you that I believe America’s best days are ahead but I am fearful … a big part Read More …

“Break Up The Food Monopoly”, Wenonah Hauter author of Foodopoly

” … it’s kinda of intimidating because many of the giants of this work on concentration are here or are coming today, but what I’ve wanted to do is to try to take the really deep and important work that a lot of you have done and take it on the road to try to explain to a growing generation of food activists how we have really ended up dysfunctional food system and I would say a dysfunctional Read More …

One of the greatest examples of animal disassociation is industrialized agriculture

“I will tell you right here today and will say it a thousand times all over the country we don’t want fewer farmers . . . we want more farmers – more farmers means more connections to the animals – it means that there are more custodians, more stewards, more people who know about farming”, Wayne Pacelle, President and Chief Executive Officer of The HSUS speaking at the 2013 Organization for Competitive Markets “Voices Rising From The Land” Read More …

Zilmax is particularly offensive in a lot of ways to eaters and producers

Mike Callicrate, President of Organization for Competitive Markets speaks out about Zilmax in front of Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the HSUS, Joe Maxwell, Vice President of Outreach and Engagement of The HSUS and Matthew Penzer, Special Counsel of the HSUS. More Zilmax Related Articles & Audio Interviews with Mike Callicrate

OCM Says They’ll Take OIG To Court Over Beef Check Off Information

Posted on August 13, 2013 | Tom Riter, WNAX Radio 570 Listen to interview: [audio:https://www.competitivemarkets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/mikecallicrateonocmconventionresultsandissues8-12-2013-3.mp3] Organization for Competitive Market members just wrapped up their convention in Kansas City and are pushing for getting NCBA removed as a contractor for the beef checkoff. OCM President Mike Callicrate says they’re also going after the cattlemen’s group for alleged misuse of check off funding. He says they’ll be taking the Office of Inspector General to Court in order to receive information Read More …

Tyson Foods bans using cattle with Zilmax growth hormone

AirTalk with Larry Mantle for August 12, 2013 Listen to interview: [audio:http://media.scpr.org/audio/upload/2013/08/12/beef.mp3] Tyson foods said it will no longer buy cattle fed Zilmax, a growth-inducing drug. What was the company’s motivation for the decision? Last Thursday market traders noticed cattle prices rise sharply. It was in response to news that Tyson Foods – a major meatpacker – quietly had sent letters to cattle feedlots indicating Tyson would no longer buy cows fed Zilmax. That’s a supplement designed to Read More …

Did Tyson Ban Doping Cows With Zilmax To Boost Foreign Sales?

China, Russia and many countries in the European Union have banned drugs still allowed in the U.S. [audio:http://NoBull.MikeCallicrate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/NPR_Callicrate_Zilmax.mp3] by: All Things Considered | Peggy Lowe Tyson Foods said it will stop using the controversial drug, which fattens cattle, because of potential animal welfare issues. But many in the beef industry say the company is just interested in boosting exports to countries like China and the European Union, where growth-promoting drugs for meat production are banned. Tyson Foods Inc. Read More …