Letter to OCM Members and Friends Concerning GIPSA Rules

ocmmemberfriends OCM Members and Friends: For many years there has been unprecedented concentration of the agricultural livestock marketplace with a corresponding decrease in competition and fair prices paid to farmers and ranchers. The result has been devastating to independent family agriculture and rural America. There has recently been a proposed reform effort issued by USDA’s Grain Inspection and Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA). Please read the letter below from OCM Executive Director Fred Stokes to OCM members and Read More …

American Meat Institute Requests a ‘Stalling Tactic’

amipressrelease The American Meat Institute has requested more time to comment on proposed USDA Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration rules. OCM urges denial of the request. AMI is a lobbying organization of the major meat processing corporations of the United States. OCM is a nonprofit organization devoted to market fairness for agriculture and consumer food products.