
Radio 570 WNAX | OCM Working On Anti Competitive Ag Merger Legislation

Radio 570 WNAX Listen to audio at the link above. The U.S. Justice Department has proposed no changes to the Bayer and Monsanto mega merger. One million public comments were received on the merger and some of those came from a coalition that included the Organization for Competitive Markets. OCM Executive Director Joe Maxwell says they’re disappointed with the DOJ decision and are concerned about what they think is monopolistic control of the seed corn industry. He says Read More …

WATTAgNet | Lawmaker to introduce bill for USDA to prioritize American ag in food purchases

WATTAgNet Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) announced Jan. 17 that she will introduce the Buy American Agriculture Act, new legislation to expand ‘Buy America’ principles to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Purchasing and Distribution Program, a key component of USDA’s $12 billion trade relief program that is meant to assist American farmers and ranchers. Last week, The Washington Post reported that nearly $5 million was awarded to Brazilian-owned meat processor JBS. However, new documents from USDA reveal JBS has received more than $22 Read More …

New Bill Would Require USDA to Buy American First

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) announced today she will file legislation to stop the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from lining the pockets of global corporations at the expense of U.S. taxpayers and family farmers. Known as the Buy American Agriculture Act, the bill would require that whenever possible, purchases of agricultural commodities made by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) must be from domestically owned enterprises. It would also require the secretary to publish the rationale for Read More …

Greeley Tribune | Meat packing giant JBS USA getting millions in subsidies meant for farmers impacted by trade war

Greeley Tribune By Trevor Reid The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to purchase $22.3 million of pork from Greeley-based JBS USA, which is owned by JBS SA, a Brazil-based company. The purchase is part of a bailout program intended to provide aid to U.S. farmers negatively impacted by the international trade war. In November 2018, Smithfield Foods, owned by a Chinese firm, pulled its bid for $240,000 in pork payments after Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, echoed criticisms that Read More …

Brazil’s JBS, the World’s Largest, Most Corrupt Meatpacker, to Receive $22 Million in U.S. Farm Bailout Money

Update: It is now reported that USDA will award 22,331,309 to JBS under the bailout program, rather than the $5 million previously reported. See the USDA Purchase Award Description here.  It has been reported that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will award $5 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to Brazilian-owned meatpacking corporation, JBS, under the bailout program meant to help American farmers hurt by the trade war. In November 2018, Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods rescinded its bid for bailout money after a backlash Read More …

OCM’s Top 10 Stories of 2018

Here are the 10 stories that received the most traffic on the OCM website in 2018. Which issue is most important to you? Share your top pick with us in the comments. 10.  GIPSA is Dead; the Fight for Producer Protections Continues 9.    New Legislation Would Hit Pause on Mega-Mergers 8.    Petition Filed to End USDA Practice of Allowing Imported Meat to be Labeled “Product of U.S.A.” 7.    DOJ Approval of Bayer-Monsanto Mega-Merger Hangs Farmers Out to Dry 6.  Read More …

2018 in Review

As 2018 draws to a close, OCM members and supporters should be proud of the successes we have gained together through our hard work and dedication. Our 20th year has clearly been one of our most impactful yet. Here’s why: OCM’s 20th Annual Food & Agriculture Conference We celebrated our 20th anniversary with a highly successful annual conference in Kansas City, MO. Speakers included Federal Trade Commissioner Rohit Chopra and Dr. Ricardo Salvador, director of the Food and Read More …

Video and PowerPoint Presentations from OCM’s 20th Annual Food & Agriculture Conference

The State of Antitrust Law and Future Actions By George Farah, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll   Intro to Consumer Class Actions By Bill Anderson, Handley & Anderson PLLC   Impact of Retail Concentration on Workers and Farmers (panel discussion) By Dennis Olson, United Food and Commercial Workers   When the Packers Come to Town By Don Stull, PhD, MPH,  University of Kansas   Food System Organization and Community Impacts By Mary Hendrickson, PhD, University of Missouri