OCM Staff in Transition


For the past five years, Joe Maxwell has ably served the Organization for Completive Markets as its executive director. During that time OCM has become a national force in combating corporate threats to transparent, fair, and competitive agricultural and food markets. Having implemented our highly successful five-year strategic plan, Joe is stepping down as OCM executive director to allow OCM to select new leadership to guide us to the next level. He will continue to serve OCM as a member of its advisory council.

Key to OCM’s growing recognition in the anti-monopoly movement has been the innovation and hard work of our communications and research director, Angela Huffman.  Angela’s tireless efforts, thorough research, and innovative communication strategies have been instrumental in exposing corporate corruption and abuses in the beef checkoff program, to name only a few of OCM’s initiatives in which she played a key role. Angela will be stepping back from her full-time involvement with OCM, but she will continue as a consultant on several key initiatives.

The OCM Board of Directors is deeply grateful to Joe Maxwell and Angela Huffman for all they have done for our organization and in support of America’s independent farmers and ranchers. We wish them all the very best.

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