College Girl, Economy, Jobs

The following article originally appeared on The following is a transcript of a YouTube video. It’s well worth listening to! I’m a graduating senior, and I’m not worried about the economy or jobs. It’s all much simpler than we’re being told. So let’s put our political differences aside, have some fun and get some answers to what I call “Questions.” Like: Where does money come from? When our country was wealthy, it was because we had the Read More …

“Fiscal Cliff” Is Mostly Fiction, With A Bit of Truth Thrown In

With the election over and done the new matter at hand is the “fiscal cliff” – a dire menace now facing the nation. As in all cases where the media whip up excitement or panic one must distinguish between packaging and content. So let us address the packaging first: The issue of raising the national debt ceiling surfaced at a most inconvenient time – just as the election campaign was getting into high gear. Neither the administration nor Read More …