boardcommentsonGIPSAext Press Release stating OCM’s Board of Directors position on extending GIPSA Rule comments.
OCM Comments on Proposed GIPSA Rules
taylorgipsa OCM has a strong stand concerning the newly proposed GIPSA rules. Please read the documents below concerning the proposed changes.
American Meat Institute Requests a ‘Stalling Tactic’
amipressrelease The American Meat Institute has requested more time to comment on proposed USDA Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Administration rules. OCM urges denial of the request. AMI is a lobbying organization of the major meat processing corporations of the United States. OCM is a nonprofit organization devoted to market fairness for agriculture and consumer food products.
Taylor and Domina’s Poultry Report
dominareportversion2 Restoring Economic Health to Contract Poultry Production C. Rober Taylor and David A. Domina recently addressed the Poultry workshop regarding market power in the industry, the state of poultry production and market concentration among other areas of interest within the poultry industry. Download the full report below for more information and statistics that were discussed during Friday’s presentation.
OCM Debunks American Meat Institute Analysis
OCMPRAMIComments Organization for Competitive Markets co-authors Robert Taylor and David Domina submitted a sharp rebuttal debunking the American Meat Institute to the Department of Justice and the USDA. The 40-page submission takes to task a year end AMI letter to the Department of Justice and the USDA. AMI claimed all is well and no need esists to examine the structure or function of markets for agricultural products in the United States.
OCM Applauds USDA GIPSA Poultry Rule
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Grain Inspection and Packers and Stockyards Administration (USDA GIPSA) released its final rule regarding contracts between poultry integrators and growers. OCM sees this rule as a significant and badly needed step forward in reforming an industry that has a history of subjugating and otherwise dealing unjustly with contract poultry growers. The rule contains four important provisions: 1. The integrator must provide the grower a written contract prior to his commitment for facilities Read More …
Butler Assumes Duties As GIPSA Administrator
LINCOLN, Neb. — May 14, 2009. This week, J. Dudley Butler was officially sworn into office and assumes his duties as administrator of the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) at the USDA in Washington, D.C. OCM offers its hearty congratulations and full support for his daunting task ahead. Butler’s experience and personal qualities make him well suited to the task of putting this agency with its troubled past, back on the right path. GIPSA is an Read More …