Request for Investigation of Specific NCBA Activities to Determine Extent to Which NCBA Misused the Beef Checkoff to Promote Its Policy Agenda
Dr. Craig Morris Letter Concerning Final Resolution of AUP
Craig Morris Letter Concerning Final Resolution of AUP
Cattlemen Beef Board Summary of Reimbursements Due to CBB from NCBA and the Federation of State Beef Councils
Cattlemen Beef Board Summary of Reimbursements Due to CBB from NCBA and the Federation of State Beef Councils
The Comstock Report
David Kruse President, Comstock Investments Copyright 2010@ CommStock Investments, Inc., David Kruse Whenever corn prices rise, we need to hand another dry crying towel to the NPPC, NCBA and AMI as their tears will flow freely as they decry the injustices of ethanol, portrayed as the source of all livestock industry ills. Actually, they will claim to support ethanol, just not ethanol subsidies. If ethanol was not subsidized, they claim their opposition would relent. That means that the Read More …
Beef Checkoff Program: Promoting Beef or Funding Opposition to Producer Interests?
Thomas F. “Fred” Stokes, Executive Director The Beef Promotion and Research Act of 1985 (commonly referred to as the beef checkoff program) was born through producer initiative and referendum. Initially all voluntary, the checkoff became mandatory with the subsequent Farm Bill. I was among those who strongly supported the creation of it and I worked hard to ensure the referendum passed. Now, however, I believe the program has been hijacked by forces whose interests are not mine or Read More …
Cattlemen Shocked – Considering Litigation
ncbapressrelease The Organization for Competitive Markets is actively exploring litigation as the best option for addressing the recently disclosed misappropriation of beef checkoff funds by NCBA. Please download and read the entire statement by OCM and President Randy Stevenson regarding possible litigation.
Cattlemen’s Beef Board Resolutions to the Issues Identified by the Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Cattlemen’s Beef Board Resolutions to the Issues Identified by the Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Taylor and Domina Issue Rebuttal to USDA
OCMTaylorresponse Organization for Competitive Markets co-authors Robert Taylor and David Domina responded to the American Meat Institute’s analysis by submitting a 40-page rebuttal to the Department of Justice and the USDA.