In early 2008 the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) released a video showing workers at a California slaughterhouse using electric prods on cattle unable to stand on their own (called downers) and ramming them with forklifts to make them stand for inspection. (Federal law requires that animals be able to walk into the slaughterhouse, and downed cattle are banned from human consumption because inability to stand may be a symptom what is commonly called mad cow Read More …
Category: General Advocacy
Education and an Economic Future for America are Linked Together
The U.S. education system was once the envy of the world. Yet according to many surveys we are now falling behind many other nations – particularly in mathematics, science and engineering. What is wrong? Why are we slipping? The debate proceeds on the assumption that there is one optimal education system. In fact we have a dual-purpose system based on two very different educational concepts. Historical perspective is helpful here. In the Colonial period American education followed the Read More …
Obama’s Game of Chicken
The untold story of how the administration tried to stand up to big agricultural companies on behalf of independent farmers, and lost. By Lina Khan | Print (PDF) In May 2010, Garry Staples left his chicken farm in Steele, Alabama, to take part in a historic hearing in Normal, an hour and a half away. The decision to go wasn’t easy. The big processing companies that farmers rely on for their livelihood had made it known that even Read More …
Growing the Economy to Generate More Income for All
The “fiscal cliff” idea stems from one simple fact: the U.S. economy is too weak to support the revenue needs of the government, leading to ever increasing deficits. At some point in this sequence the dollar will crash or the government default on its obligations. Either would be a disaster. Hence the talk of drastic increases in taxes coupled with huge cuts in spending. Given the power and influence of the interest groups concerned, such measures might in Read More …
“Fiscal Cliff” Is Mostly Fiction, With A Bit of Truth Thrown In
With the election over and done the new matter at hand is the “fiscal cliff” – a dire menace now facing the nation. As in all cases where the media whip up excitement or panic one must distinguish between packaging and content. So let us address the packaging first: The issue of raising the national debt ceiling surfaced at a most inconvenient time – just as the election campaign was getting into high gear. Neither the administration nor Read More …
Is American Agriculture on the Soviet Road?
At first reading, this appears to be a meaningless question. The Soviet Union disappeared two decades ago and with it went its collective farms. But economic systems can be alike regardless of the ideologies used to justify them. The current trends in global agriculture (America included) are leading to a system very similar to the Soviet model. Thus an analysis of how the system worked (or failed to) is relevant to our future. Before the 1917 revolution agriculture Read More …
How to grow the U.S. Economy
Both presidential candidates promise the voters they will “grow” the U.S. economy. Their plans to do this are schematic at best. For the last four years, despite massive deficits and money creation, the U.S. economy has (officially) achieved something like 2% growth yearly, and even that appears in question at this time. Commentators contrast this performance with the 10% achieved yearly by China. Setting aside the problems the Chinese are saddled with, 10% growth is no record. America Read More …
Colorado Independent CattleGrowers Association’s 7th Annual Convention 2012
Mike Callicrate, OCM Vice President, Presentation Part 1 of 2 at the Colorado Independent CattleGrowers Association’s 7th Annual Convention held 2012 July 13th — 15th in Lasalle, CO. View All Presentations Also presenting: Bill Bullard, R-CALF USA CEO David Wright, ICON President & Beef Board Member of Nebraska