OCM’s Top 10 Stories of 2018


Here are the 10 stories that received the most traffic on the OCM website in 2018. Which issue is most important to you? Share your top pick with us in the comments.

10.  GIPSA is Dead; the Fight for Producer Protections Continues

9.    New Legislation Would Hit Pause on Mega-Mergers

8.    Petition Filed to End USDA Practice of Allowing Imported Meat to be Labeled “Product of U.S.A.”

7.    DOJ Approval of Bayer-Monsanto Mega-Merger Hangs Farmers Out to Dry

6.    Checkoff Dollars Used Illegally to Influence Ohio’s Governor Race

5.    Latest JBS Beef Recall Exposes Illusion of Choice

4.    Voice from the Ranch: Nebraska Cattle Producer Screwed by JBS Speaks the Truth

3.    OCM’s 20th Annual Food and Agriculture Conference and Membership Meeting

2.    Screwed Again: The 2019 Beef Checkoff Budget is Out

1.    No Farm Bill Without Checkoff Reform

Honorable Mention and OCM Staff Pick: Drovers Poll Sets Record Straight: Cattle Producers Acknowledge Beef Checkoff Program Not Working for Them (includes screenshots of deleted comments)


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