Siddoway Sheep Ranch – ID. Great Ranches of the West

“It’s late at night and I still have three or more hours of driving before reaching the Siddoway Sheep Ranch. I haven’t seen another car for some time now, and I’m road weary. Rounding a bend in the road, I notice light coming from a lone motel in a small Idaho town. It’s either stop here for the night or risk falling asleep behind the wheel and ending up in a cold ditch somewhere, so I pull in.” Read More …

Siddoway Sheep Ranch – ID. Great Ranches of the West

“More loss has come from the depressed wool and lamb market now that cheaper, imported wool has gained such a foothold. Jeff and Cindy Siddoway have been forced to diversify their operation in ways never dreamed of by their ancestors. Inspired by an episode of Little House on the Prairie, the family was determined to make something good rise out of a hopeless situation, and made a bold move into the world of quality wool blankets. Siddoway blankets Read More …